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Baku 660 Screwderivers 6 Pcs set

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List price: 810.00 Rs.
269.00 Rs.
You save: 541.00 Rs. (67%)
Cash Back: 13 Rs.
Expected delivery by: Tomorrow (if ordered within 1 hr 58 mins). Details
Out of stock

Product Details

Baku 660 Screwderivers 6 Pcs set


Covered in Warranty Yes, Replacement Only. No Returns
Warranty Summary 10 Days Testing Replacement Warranty
Warranty Service Type Send to seller by courier
Warranty T&C Click here
Country of Origin China
Manufacturer Elcotek
Packer Maxbhi, New Delhi

Shipping Estimation

Expected delivery by: Tomorrow (if ordered within 1 hr 58 mins).


Delivery Time of the product:

The delivery time of the product depends on the availability of the product & the shipping method selected at the time of checkout. In most cases, when an order is received it is sent to our ordering department & is completed within the time shown while making the order.

For any further clarifications, please contact us here or call us on 09599197756

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It is the best
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I haVE BeEN usiNg THIs StILl WoRkiNg now
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bsas and trable combination is chimandulas
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Shipped fast and great quality product wtih suitable price
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Very well output and work
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Perfect for what i needed
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Tools are good. Excellent tool kit, I am using it for laptops, mobiles, tabs and other gadgets. It has got almost all the small screwdriver, Allen keys and other essential bits
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These type of screwdrivers are very useful for opening screws on mobiles, tablet and hard disk. I spicailly like the green openers
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Amazing product. The plastic spudgers break easily the tips especially. Metal ones does the job. Otherwise wonderful product
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I have used some of these screws and they work just fine
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