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Opening Tool Kit for Google Pixel 4a with Screwdriver Set

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Google Pixel 4a
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List price: 740.00 Rs.
289.00 Rs.
You save: 451.00 Rs. (61%)
Cash Back: 14 Rs.
Expected delivery by: Tomorrow (if ordered within 3 hrs 28 mins). Details

Product Details

This kit is a specially customized mobile phone repairing tool kit for Google Pixel 4a. This set includes screwdriver's, bent opener, suction cup and opener. The screwdrivers are made of high quality PP & TRP material, convenient for you to use. The head of screwdriver made with finest material. The suction cup and bend opener can help you open the phone rear cover and battery more easily and safer. You can open your Google Pixel 4a and easily repair any minor faults.


Specifications of Opening Tool Kit for Google Pixel 4a.

Sales Package1 opening tool kit set for Google Pixel 4a.
TypeBrand new
Compatible BrandGoogle
Compatible ModelGoogle Pixel 4a
AvailabilityAvailable to order
Fulfillment RatioClick here


Covered in Warranty Yes, Replacement Only. No Returns
Warranty Summary 10 Days Testing Replacement Warranty
Warranty Service Type Send to seller by courier
Warranty T&C Click here
Country of Origin China
Manufacturer Elcotek
Packer Maxbhi, New Delhi

Shipping Estimation

Expected delivery by: Tomorrow (if ordered within 3 hrs 28 mins).


Delivery Time of the product:

The delivery time of the product depends on the availability of the product & the shipping method selected at the time of checkout. In most cases, when an order is received it is sent to our ordering department & is completed within the time shown while making the order.

For any further clarifications, please contact us here or call us on 09599197756

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THe QUaLItY ANd duraBiliTy thAT is EPxerIencEd is WELl wORth the prIcE


07/11/2020, 08:13 PM

expected product and fine work
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Super fsat charge to my phone or tablet too
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tihs is totally fit work good
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Maxbhi is the best cmopany
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Very good product, far better than other options available
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Arrived quickly and it works great
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Works well and received vrey quickly
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WoRkIng In gOOd moDe SiNCE LAST two MONTHS anD i am haPPy WiTh The pROduct pERfOrmAnCe
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TRUlY a greaT ProdUCt. JUSt receivEd iT aNd INStALleD WIthiN NO tIme.. So HApPy With tHE ProduCt
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Body pnael fits perfectly, vibration, network, loudspeaker and touch working properly. I am happy
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